Boulder Caffeine Crawl


9:00 am - 2:30 pm


Piece Love & Chocolate
805 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO, 80302

Event Type

What could be better than fresh mountain air, gorgeous scenery, and a cup of great coffee, tea, chai, or drinking chocolate? We’re not sure, but we are thrilled to be a part of the 2014 Boulder and Ft. Collins 2-day Caffeine Crawl!

Boulder’s 2012 Crawl was a blast, and this year The Lab was inspired to tap into Boulder and Ft. Collins active, and beverage loving culture to create our first 2-day car-free event.

This is the fourth Caffeine Crawl in the beautiful state of Colorado. In Boulder, on Saturday, August 9th, we are excited to include returning participants Boxcar Coffee, The Cup, Ozo Coffee, and Piece, Love and Chocolate. Also adding new participants Precision Pours, The Unseen Bean Cafe, and representing local sponsor Conscious Coffee are Buchanan’s Coffee Pub and Innisfree Poetry Bookstore & Cafe. Making for a fantastic, caffeinated event in Boulder.

On Sunday, day 2, Ft. Collins will host their first Caffeine Crawl. It promises to be equally awesome, and we plan to have a bonus stop (to be announced later) at one of the local craft beer locations adding to a day of coffee and tea! On the four routes to select from are the following shops – The Bean Cycle, Happy Lucky’s Teahouse, Harbinger Coffee, The Kitchen, and The Starry Night Cafe.

You won’t want to miss the magic, so join us for a weekend of open air, chocolatey goodness, specialty tea, and an artsy, free-spirited coffee scene.

For information on tickets:
List of participating stops.
Boxcar Coffee
Buchanan’s Coffee Pub
The Cup
Innisfree Poetry Bookstore & Cafe
Ozo Coffee
Piece, Love and Chocolate
Precision Pours
The Unseen Bean Cafe
List of participating stops.
The Bean Cycle
Happy Lucky’s Teahouse
Harbinger Coffee
The Kitchen
The Starry Night Cafe